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Cipex - Pelletized

Cipex - Pelletized

Regular price $51.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $51.50 USD
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A unique blend of natural herbs that may help improve circulation to tissues, speed repair and possibly halt tissue damage.

Recommended Amount: Feed 1 oz scoop per day based on 1000 lb. horse. (1 oz. scoop provided) Ingredients: Hawthorne, Buckwheat, Nettle, Willow, Meadowsweet, Rosehip, Echinacea.


Available in:
3LB- $51.50
7LB- $103.00
10LB- $126.00


Customer Testimonials:  The Success I've Had with Cipex I have a 10 yr old quarter horse gelding that has navicular or the extent that he held his right front pastern like it was a club foot and he couldn't walk on small stones without limping. He also moved like an old plow horse because of his discomfort. Well , after three short weeks on Cipex when he walks or runs he steps flat footed as normal and the pastern looks normal as any horse. He walks on stones with no signs of any discomfort at all, in fact I rode on pavement and gravel trails today for approx. 6 miles and he moves with head up and his old high spirited self. This Cipex in my opinion has saved a very valuable horse and is an amazing miracle product. I will keep him on it for as long as he lives along with Herbal Bute. Thank God for Cipex. Jerry Frost Tully, NY

Cipex: I cannot thank you enough for recommending Cipex for my 20 year old gelding. He foundered about 5 years ago. I have battled with abscesses in his front feet off and on for 5 years. He could barely walk and was in a lot of pain. My farrier tried special shoes but they did not help. He comes and trims his feet every 4 weeks and treats his abscesses when they come about. We have treated with antibiotic injections and several bottles of SMZ for 2-3 week periods with Herbal Bute to keep him comfortable. I found him lying down 90% of the time for a month and decided it was time to put him down. I prayed to the Lord that if there was any product out there to help him to give me a sign. I was on the internet and decided to try one last time to find something and it came to me to look under herbs for horses. I cannot thank you enough for giving us a second chance with him. I have been using Cipex for 2 months and Jazz is now up walking around and I never see him lying down. I wake up in the morning and look out the window and he is waiting for his Cipex. The veterinarians did not give me much hope for him but Cipex has given this 20 year old gelding a new lease on life. I tried to catch him one day last week and he ran from me. I was so excited to see him run once again. I have had this horse for 18 years and he has saved my life more than once, now I feel it is my turn to try and save his. I will continue Cipex for the rest of his life and I thank God for putting these natural herbs on earth and for the people He gave the knowledge to make these products. Ann Monticello, FL 

Cipex: Two weeks ago you suggested Cipex to me in order for my mare to overcome her soreness due to a minor cyst on her navicular bone. She has been on the supplement about a week now and have already seen huge improvements!!! When i turn her out there is only a minor sign of her being off, i think this could be a miracle product! I have already suggested this product to a man with a very very lame shining spark mare and told him to give it a try! Hopefully he see's results like i have with my roan, I had fears it was time to retire her but so far I'm thinking she's going to be winning rodeos in the near spring. Very interested in becoming a dealer for your products in Southern MN, Northern IA. I think these all natural supplements are the way to go, especially cipex! Very curious to see i could become a possible dealer for your product, would like to try some of the other products on my other horses i have a gelding who might have a minor bone chip in a knee, doesn't make him lame but can become a little swollen time to time after extensive workouts. Could advertise your products on my website which tends to have over 200 hits a day! Thank you for your time and products!!! Ashley Janssen,  Janssen barrel horses 

Cipex: What wonderful products you have available for so many of our horse needs. The very best thing I ever did was put my barrel horse on Cipex. Everything I ever tried made her hot and toxic. This product is wonderful with natural results. Thanks again. I highly advise everyone to try it for great performance. Chris Tate - 2010 Sweetwater, TN.

Cipex and Herbal Bute Six weeks ago my horse sustained a cut on the back of her hock that punctured the joint .... she now has a septic tendon sheath and septic hock. Velvet has not been able to put any weight on her leg for six weeks but since using Cipex and Herbal Bute long with an antibiotic she is walking some days without any limp at all. She is not out of the woods yet but I am so grateful for these wonderful products that have given her a chance for recovery. Terri D. 2011 Cordova, TN.

Cipex: Success with Cipex My client's horse had his shoes pulled and he started showing signs of intermittent lameness on small stones, dirt clumps and he walked like a plow horse very heavy footed. My client tried a couple of other products with no success so I told her to try Cipex. After 4 days of being on Cipex I started seeing improvement and at the 10 day mark there were no signs of lameness at all no matter what surface he walked on. Thank you so much as my client is so happy and the horse will be on this product the rest of his life. Kim Gould-Wende Passionate Horsemanship Merkel, Tx. - 2010

Eye Support, Cipex and Immune Booster: Don, I have spoken to you twice about my horse with fungal infection of cornea. As mentioned it was recommended that I have surgery performed on this horse approx three weeks ago. When we spoke you mentioned that after 1 week on Eye Support, Cipex and Immune Booster I should see some improvement. I was very skeptical, believe this in fact the case. I noticed at 1 week that the whites around his eye had improved. Previously there was redness in this area of the eye. I am not confident yet that I am out of the woods, but wanted you to know that I think I see improvement. This Monday he will have been on this combination for 2 weeks. Thanks for your assistance. Pamela S. -2010 Oakland, Tn.

Cipex: I have a 22-year-old thoroughbred with a chronic eye problem and faced having it removed. Although I continue to use an ointment, your herb combination has made a world of difference and impressed my vet. Keep the Eye Support, Cipex, and Super Immune Booster coming my way. Love the peppermint you put in my herbs ! Grateful in SC Rodney (the thoroughbred) Lori B. - 2010 Trenton, SC

IMMUNE BOOSTER, CIPEX and EYE SUPPORT I'm happy to share my experience with your herbal remedies for horses. My five year old mare developed a sudden eye problem. The eye was swollen and with considerable discharge. My vet was concerned that this was a potentially very serious condition and recommended that she be seen at the University Equine Hospital. Following examination and laboratory tests, it was determined that her condition was consistent with a diagnosis of eosinophilic keratitis. A lavage system was surgically installed so that medication could be administered. The treatment was aggressive and eventually involved surgery. Unfortunately, every possible side effect to the medications was realized. Steroid treatment resulted in a fungal infection and her hospital stay resulted in a serious staph infection. After a very expensive three weeks in the hospital, I did bring her home. Both eyes were closed and there was considerable pussy discharge on examination. Most of the required 7 medications were designed to treat the side effects of previously given medications. After one week, my vet thought one eye was lost and would eventually have to be removed. The sight in the other eye was marginal but the recommendation was to continue the medication in hopes of saving that eye. I sought a second opinion which basically confirmed the above diagnoses with the added observation that she was likely to lose the sight in her "good eye" and it might be wise to consider putting her down. At this point, against medical advice, I had the lavage system removed and stopped all traditional medical treatment. In looking for an alternative, I found Equine Science and decided to try the combination of IMMUNE BOOSTER, CIPEX and EYE SUPPORT. My mare has now been on this combination for approximately one month. Both eyes are now open and there is no longer any discharge. Approximately 75% of both eyes are brown and look normal. There are some remaining white spots but these do appear to be getting smaller. I have taken her on short trail rides over hilly, uneven terrain without a misstep. She is in the pasture with other horses and clearly can see. It is great to observe her running flat out on flat and hilly surfaces. I plan to keep her on this combination throughout the coming year. I am a psychologist and very aware of the role of research in determining care in the medical community. The treatment my mare received at the University Equine Hospital was standard medical practice and certainly supported by the available research. Herbal remedies obviously do not enjoy the same kind of medical support. Even so, what happened and is happening to my mare cannot be discounted . At the very least, one must conclude that alternative medicine and in particular, this combination of herbal remedies has had a positive outcome. Thanks Don. -Joanne

Cipex: I was incorrect on telling you how long I had been feeding Tiffany the Cipex. It is now just 12 days. This week we have seen a huge improvement!! Yesterday she actually extended her trot and trotted without pain. She was the best she has ever been!! My daughter is beyond excitement. Thank You!!!!! Virginia and Heather B. Abilene, Texas, Oct 2011